A look into the history of rhubarb reveals a great past. The Arabs brought the root of the barbarians, which is the transcription of the Latin/botanical name of rhubarb, to Europe. The Russian Tsar later claimed a trade monopoly on rhubarb roots. It was only towards the end of the early modern period (at the beginning of the 18th century) that rhubarb was rediscovered as a vegetable plant. At that time, rhubarb was not cultivated much compared to other fruit and vegetable species. Great things can be expected for the future.
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Audio: Not all rhubarb is the same
Video: Not all rhubarb is the same
Podcast content:
- A short excursion into the history of rhubarb
- Lubera® and rhubarb cultivation
- How do rhubarb taste - the results of the degustation
- The advantages of Lubera Edibles young plants
- A brief look at the cultivation of rhubarb plants in containers